Carving In Stone, Inc has a team of skilled masons lead by Restoration Architect. We can rebuild and restore stone, terra-cotta and brick façades. CIS starts from recognizing what has to be done. Write restoration program based on education, experience and consultation with other conservators and masons.
Work examples:
Whipple Facade
On Whipple the whole top part of the façade stone cladding was disconnected from the brick behind. Water could penetrate inside. We took it down and rebuild keeping the same stone order. Except on the corners where we installed stone returns to bond front elevation with sides brick walls. It will prevent separation in the future. New stones pieces – Red Sandstone was imported from The Quarra in Wisconsin. We made the front rock face to match the original. You can find new cubic stone pieces on the pictures and compare before and after.
Elevation was cleaned and details were restored with JAHN stone restoration mortar.
We rebuild parapet walls as well. We used Lime mortar for masonry work and tuckpointing to match original in strength and texture.
Roslyn Facade
Sandstone condition was weak on this Façade. Flaking pieces were disconnecting in thin layers from the surface. Stone were dirty and you could not see the beautiful sedimentation on this brown-yellow sandstone.
Top of the upper balcony was separating from the wall. We rebuilt that. Steam cleaned the Façade. We resurface all flat stones by sending down deteriorated layer. Rockfaces were also restored by hand chisel. Conservator was hitting it with pointy chisel to remove loosen stone flakes and unveil solid new face. Inch by inch.
We applied stone consolidation treatment to strength up the stone. Prosoco 100OH.
We used JAHN restoration mortar in two colors. Mix it separately for each particular stone in different proportion to restore the stone face with its natural veins. Tuckpointing with lime mortar to match original in strength and appearance.

We rebuilt the wall of Joliet Lemont Limestone. We used mostly salvaged stone. We had to make new for string courses. We matched original shape of the profile I found inside the wall.
Details Restoration with JAHN mortar.
Lions Head, Indiana Limestone. I removed corroded iron pin and restored the missing part with JAHN mortar.